Vorträge & Konferenzen
What holds women back from sharing their stories or stepping confidently into the spotlight? In this episode of Just Be Better, Vicky and Sabine Wojcieszak delve into the challenges women face in public speaking, leadership, and career growth. Sabine shares her inspiring journey from banking to tech, tackling self-doubt and finding her voice as a coach, speaker, and advocate for communication.
Sabine shares how to give presentations people will remember. How to leverage storytelling, stay authentic and create your content in a goal-oriented way.
On top of that we discuss the importance of personal branding and being more visible. Both for employees and organisations.
TestCon 2022
Sabine Wojcieszak
If you want to use rituals as a powerful tool, there are a few things to keep in mind.
First, you need to understand that a ritual is neither a routine nor a habit. This presentation will explain the difference and why rituals are good for fostering habits. Second, you need to learn that rituals are only powerful when they have meaning for people. You can’t buy rituals off the shelf; you have to develop them yourself or tailor popular rituals to your own needs.
Devopsdays Online 2021
Sabine Wojcieszak
Sabine Wojcieszak
DevOps Pro Europe
Sabine Wojcieszak
O´Reilly Velocity Conference Berlin
Sabine Wojcieszak
DevOpsDays Tel Aviv
Sabine Wojcieszak
Magdeburger Developer Days
Sabine Wojcieszak
Dieser Vortrag beleuchtet die Bedeutung der angesprochenen “Fehler-Slogans” für die tägliche Arbeit. Es wird ein Blick aus der “Just Culture”-Perspektive auf das Thema “Fehler” geworfen. Es erfolgt eine Klassifizierung von Fehlertypen. Es werden die Auswirkungen vom jeweiligen Fehler-Handling auf die Bereiche Innovation, Wissensmanagement und Resilience Engineering erörtert. Und am Ende steht die Frage, wie wir es schaffen, den Gap zwischen dem theoretischen Verstehen um die Bedeutung und dem Daily Doing zu schließen.
RebelCon Cork
Sabine Wojcieszak
Nowadays many people in tech say that communication is really important! But when asking what you have done to improve team communication the most frequent answer is: “Nothing. But we will do when we have more time!” Another often heard answer is: “We have installed ´Slack!” But ´Slack as well as other apps are just tools for communication not the communication itself! So why is common sense not already common practice?
Sabine Wojcieszak
DevOps is a mindset, which requires a lot of “soft skills” of all stakeholders in thissystem! And these skills are important for the success or the failure of the experiment “DevOps”! In this talk we will focus on the role of communication for a DevOps team, although we will also touch psychological aspects of mindset, attitude and behavior! Whenever people come together, communications starts at once!
DevOps Pro Moscow
Sabine Wojcieszak
(Biz)DevOps is far more then just the tools to be used in an organizational change. (Biz)DevOps is a mindset, which requires a lot of “soft skills” of all stakeholders in this system! And these skills are important for the success or the failure of the experiment “(Biz)DevOps”!
DevOpsDays Edinburgh
Sabine Wojcieszak
Taking a look at the “graveyard” of DevOps where all unsuccessful attempts to adopt this modern apporach are buried, we will discover that all of them have also stories to tell. These are stories about why they failed – stories we all could learn from. We will discover that a lot of stories will be about bad habits and behavior, about ego and the fear of losing power, about good ideas with bad approaches – about us, the humans! London
Sabine Wojcieszak
In this talk you will learn a lot about helpful skills and mindset for a good communication within the team or with people from outside for e.g. customers. You will see, why communication is so difficult and full of pitfalls and what you can do to avoid this. And you will also learn, that communication is one of the most important skills for being successful. Last but not least you will perhaps recognize some bad habits of Dark Communication. Possible solutions will be provided.
NDC Sydney
Sabine Wojcieszak
In this talk you will learn a lot about helpful skills and mindset for a good communication within the team or with people from outside for e.g. customers. You will see, why communication is so difficult and full of pitfalls and what you can do to avoid this. And you will also learn, that communication is one of the most important skills for being successful as a team and as an individual. Last but not least you will perhaps recognize some bad habits of Dark Communication. Possible solutions will be provided.
Der Agile Gedanke

In unserem Video-Podcast teilt Sabine verschiedene Agile Gedanken. Mit dieser kurzen Impression kannst du dich während deiner Arbeit dann selber reflektieren oder den Gedanken mit deinem Team diskutieren, den Arbeitsalltag entsprechend überprüfen und die zugrundeliegende Idee langsam adaptieren.
Typisch agil eben: ein Gedanke = eine Veränderung zurzeit!
Agilität ist sehr vielschichtig. Daher kann dieser regelmäßige Agile Gedanke sowohl helfen, wenn du dich gerade neu mit dem Thema Agilität befasst, aber auch wenn du schon Erfahrungen gesammelt hast. Ob Scrum Master, Product Owner oder Agile Coach, ob Teammitglied oder Newbie – der Agile Gedanke gibt dir die Chance, mit Hilfe von agilen Methoden, Prinzipien und ansetzen weiterzuwachsen.